hair loss thoughts

Words That Hurt, Even When It Is UnintentionalYesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone and she was telling me about a little girl she saw at the store that reminded her of me as a kid. She said “the little girl had really really thick auburn hair, lots and lots of hair, very long and pretty.” She also reminded me how I used to lay my head on her lap and she would brush my long thick hair. *sigh* That is certainly a harmless comment, except I no longer have that super thick hair, and haven’t for quite sometime, so it still hurt me and brought me down ever so briefly. I used to have that insanely thick hair, even as a 3 year old my bangs were thicker than all of the hair I have today. Oddly enough at around age 3 I had red hair even though there are no red heads in my family. That color changed over the years, until I dyed it fire engine red when I was 18. I’m glad I did that and enjoyed my hair during the those years. Looking back at old pictures of my firey red hair, I feel sadness and loss, but I take a deep breath and say “that is then, this is now, moving forward.”

I’m a different person today because of my hair loss, I’m more understanding, compassionate, non judgmental and more patient. I’ve pondered the meaning of beauty and of strength. I’ve come to realize I can’t control everything, but what I can control is my outlook, and how I let “uncontrollable” things affect me. It’s a work in progress 🙂


1-800-Help-Men -- To help your man help you!

A Blog Post By Kathyloulu

One New Year’s Eve a few years ago we had some friends over for a little get together. After one of our friends described how she had been upset over a comment that was made to her and how her husband responded in the “wrong” way, we joked that we should establish and website and 1-800 number to help men with what they should say to their wives in difficult situations. We decided we should call it: 1-800-HELP-MEN or

So… if the man in your life were to call this hypothetical hotline, I’d give him this 12-step program to help him help you deal with your hair loss — and to help them know the correct “wig etiquette.” Even if your partner is not a man, much of the program still applies. Read on…

1) Acknowledge that she is losing her hair. Don’t pretend that she looks the same because she knows she doesn’t and she needs your support and encouragement. However, just as with every other “appearance issue,” use discretion in how you give an honest answer. For example, she might say, “Do I look weird?” And you might think that a simple “Yes” or “no” will do. Might I recommend that you use a few more, but carefully-selected, words? Try this, “Honey, I fell in love with you, not your hair, and I think you are so strong for the way you are dealing with this.” See? You didn’t even have to actually answer her question, but instead validated her real underlying need to know that she is OK and that you are OK with her.

2) Tell her that you love her no matter how she looks. Tell her often and in a variety of ways. Here are some ideas: notes, cards, phone calls, favors, whispers, kisses, sex, gifts, etc. – but not necessarily listed in order of importance. Note on the sex thing… If she is having self-esteem issues with her hair loss (which most of us do), let her turn the lights off if that makes her more comfortable. Whatever your normal routine is in that regard – lights on or lights off, or, heck, hair on or off – let her make the call as to what she is most comfortable with. Personally, I have a hard time with this because I generally take off my wig, but then I’m distracted when Eric looks at me because I think that “how can he make love to me when I look like this?” Of course, I am also aware that once a man is in bed with a naked woman, her hair is way down on the list of things he’s interested in. [click to continue…]

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Welcome Female Guest Hair Loss BloggersThe Women’s Hair Loss Project is looking for creative, passionate and knowledgeable volunteer hair loss writers to write original articles for our blog. You must have a good command of the English language and be able to effectively communicate your thoughts through words. You don’t have to be a professional writer by any means, just need to be passionate and with a desire to help other women and write articles that other female hair loss sufferers can relate to and learn from.

The hair loss world is much bigger than my thoughts and views and I am looking to provide women with a greater hair loss perspective outside of my own. I’ve seen the blog writings of many women in our network and realize that so many others have so much to contribute. I’ve already reposted a couple of writings written by Dottie and Kathyloulu, members of the Women’s Hair Loss Project Network.

What Type of Articles Are You Looking For?

Pretty much anything that would be of value to another woman going through hair loss. Some example topics of interest could be:

Tips and suggestions for coping and dealing with hair loss

Thyroid and hair loss

How to emotionally deal with hair loss.

Making the decision to wear hair

Adjusting to wearing hair ( If you are a hair wearer you definitely have something to contribute here)

How to find a reputable hair loss replacement provider

Hair loss treatments (the real ones only used by medical professionals) Rogaine, Aldactone (spironolactone) and oral contraceptives. Vitamins and nutritional supplements are good too expand upon.

Help finding the right doctor.

How to avoid getting scammed by the online hair loss predators

PCOS and hair loss

Hair loss news commentary

Etc Etc. The list could go on forever.

By opening the blog up to other writers I am probably going to get a swarm of people interested in only writing a fluff article to embed a million links back to their own site. So here our my over protective rules.

Guidelines and Rules

Since I am looking for only sincere people I have to get a bit creative. All articles written will contain the author credit at the top and bottom of the article. [click to continue…]


You know what, my dog doesn’t care if I have hair so crazy thick like the Pantene girl or two like Homer Simpson. He’d love me fat, he’d love me bald, he’d love me in ugly clothes. He’d love me because he loves me and he doesn’t judge those things. Why do I judge myself so harshly? Why does society judge so harshly? Everyone always says it, but often it is difficult to make yourself believe, beauty comes from within. That is the truth. We are all going to get old, and looks fade, but who we are inside, how we treat other people, how we impact their lives… that will last through our lifetime and beyond.

But it is difficult to translate that idea to the brain when you stand in front of a mirror and hardly recognize the person staring back. It will sound funny, but when I attempt to clip my hair with a butterfly clip (hard to do with not a lot of hair) I resemble an ICE CREAM CONE! Hard to explain but let me tell you, it isn’t a good look! 🙂

Admittedly, I watch American Idol more for checking out Paula’s latest hair than for the actual singing competition. She is a hair wearer, love her for that, and she looks so darn good. It is a testament to how good hair can look. It changes pretty much weekly and it gives me hope.

The other problem I find myself confronted with is finding a really good local salon that can provide quality hair without having to mortgage my house to afford it, although I’d sell my car an anything else I had to just to be able to get what I needed to feel comfortable in my own skin. Where do Tyra, Beyonce, and every other celebrity who wears hair, get theirs? I haven’t really pounded the pavement searching for a hair replacement service provider so perhaps I haven’t searched hard enough. Online providers are plenty, but I’d prefer meeting with a compassionate hair replacement provider in person when the time comes. If you haven’t already, you should read my Ebay wig purchasing experience.

Well there are my hairy thoughts. I wish everyone a great Friday night! Go out, stay in, do what you do and feel good about being you. You are beautiful. Judge Judy says “Beauty Fades Dumb Is Forever,” so I’m working on making myself smarter than the women with the shampoo commercial hair, in the end I’ll be the leader!!! Whoo Hooo! Gotta laugh right?


Seeing A Woman With Male Pattern Hair Loss For The First Time A Blog Post By Dottie

Last week … for the very first time… I saw a women with male pattern baldness. Not just the diffuse all over loss that I am used to seeing, but completely bald on top with hair on the side and in the back (just like those Propecia commericals on You Tube). The lady was probably in her late 60s with gray hair. The surprising thing for me was that the hair she had on the sides and back was still quite thick! I was impressed by the fact that she was out in public without a wig or hair covering of any type. This wasn’t a woman who doesn’t care about her appearance because she had taken the time to put on her makeup and dress nicely.She passed by me so quickly that I only had time to register her hair loss and glance at her face before she was gone. After she was out of my line of vision I actually found myself wondering if she could possibly be a cross dresser or transsexual. My mind simply could not wrap itself around the idea that a woman could really have that type of hair loss.I know that this lady was not in my line of vision long enough that looking at her could have been considered staring, but I know that if she had not walked away from me that I would have definitely tried to get a closer look. I like to think that I would have found something kind to say or some way to pay her a compliment.

I sometimes wish that I had little WomensHairLossProject business cards to hand to women I meet… but then I have to remind myself that many of these women might still be in a place that having someone notice their loss may be insulting. I feel as if this website has made me more open and accepting of my own hair loss. I think I should remind myself more frequently that not everyone is ready to discuss this condition openly with people they have never met ;o)

About the author: Dottie is a community member of the Women’s Hair loss Project. To learn more about her and read her other blog posts, visit her profile:

Here is one of those propecia commercials Dottie was making reference to.


The Hair Loss Crystal Ball

by Y on March 2, 2008

The Hair Loss Crystal BallIf you had a test that would tell you with some degree of certainty whether or not you were destined to lose your hair, would you take it? We don’t really have to make that decision because it isn’t available for women, however, men now have that choice. There has been much buzz surrounding the new genetic test called, “Hair DX.” According to their website, ” HairDX reports about a genetic variant found in more than 95% of bald men. Scientists found that people with this genetic variant are at 60% risk of going bald by the age of 40. HairDX also reports about a less common genetic variant of the same gene, that if present indicates a greater than 85% likelihood of not going bald before the age of 40. ”

The at home genetic test is like a hair loss crystal ball, a $149 crystal ball. I imagine there will be at least some men that are not going to want to take the test, probably likening it to the drastic comparison of knowing the date of your own death, but there is real value in a test like this. The first benefit that comes to mind is that it would probably shorten the denial phase, and allow men to take hair loss treatment action earlier rather than waiting years and years.

The HairDx genetic test is not currently available for women and who knows if it will ever be. Most everyone probably already knows women’s hair loss is so much more complicated than that of men. I also think that there isn’t enough research being done about female hair loss. Perhaps it isn’t perceived as being that big of a deal or perhaps the fault lies in lack of awareness. The reality is that this is a very real devastating problem that millions of women are forced to deal and live with in their lives. [click to continue…]


Hair Loss Attitude

by Y on March 1, 2008

Hair Loss AttitudeA friend of mine sent this to me in an email,  I’ve never actually spoken about my hair loss with this person so of course I’m thinking… SHE KNOWS!! But she sent it to like 50 other people at the same time so I guess that is me just being paranoid. Or is it? 🙂  The story is about attitude, but the subject matter was of particular interest to me. Here it is:

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

Well, “she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today?” So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.

“H-M-M,” she said, “I think I’ll part my hair down the middle today?” So she did
and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.

“Well,” she said, “today I’m going to wear my hair in a pony tail.” So she did and
she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn’t a single hair on her head.

“YEA!” she exclaimed, “I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Live simply,

Love generously,

Care deeply,

Speak kindly…….

Leave the rest to God

With Love


Through Pain, Through Tears Over My Hair Loss - I'm Still StandingI’ve managed to catch a cold/flu buggy thing again. Lucky me. But I was doing a bit of pondering over this last week as I would take my dog for his early morning walk (which he is still waiting for today by the way) about life. I’d walk along the streets in the brisk morning and just think about how lucky I am to be here, to be healthy (for the most part) to have my hearing, my sight and my wits about me. I am alive. What a gift huh? It isn’t going to last forever, we only have this moment because the future is uncertain and not promised to any of us. How could I have let the last 8 (almost 9) years slip away. Not lived, but only existed. What a waste that has been. My hair loss has caused me more agony and devastation than anything. I’ve felt I’ve lost myself a little bit each time I watched tons of my hair fall out and my scalp showed a little more. I’ve felt depression so deep and never thought I’d have strength to get out of bed again.

But here I am, realizing more and more each day that while my hair is really so unimaginably thin, I have so much to be grateful for. I am so very lucky. I think that is so important to never lose sight of. Trust me when I say I know your pain and know it intimately, but while I can’t 100% say “I am not my hair” and move on completely, I am able to put things into a much better perspective and my coping skills have improved dramatically to where I can at least know that life is more than hair, I have a lot to offer this world as do you. This is our time, here and now. Don’t let you hair loss make you change yourself, who you are. The people who love you will love you no matter what, it’s not your hair they love, it’s YOU.


Looking For Hair Loss Love

by Y on February 16, 2008

Looking For Hair Loss LoveRecently I received an email from a woman named Danielle who was writing on behalf of her friend James. She wrote “Hi. I know this is not what this site is to be used for, but I’m looking for a companion for my friend, James. He’s such a wonderful person and has an amazing heart, but has suffered with alopecia for over 10 years. This condition has held him back from so many experiences (mostly because of the rejection it has caused) and I am frightened he will never find that special someone he deserves. I’m not telling him that I’m looking into this (he would be very mad as he has no self confidence left), but I feel this is the only way I could help him meet someone. Please let me know if we could post this. I know him very well and can answer just about anything anyone wants to know. I appreciate your help. Thank you.”

I wrote Danielle back telling her I’d be happy to post her email and also wanted to find out a couple more details about him. So some more facts about James are:

He is 31 years old and an architect living in Nassau County, Long Island NY

I do realize this is not a typical thing I usually post, but I have friend who met her husband on and is so happy, so I know internet romances bloom and are sometimes successful. A lot of women have written on this site, asking where all the good men are, maybe James is one of them, a man that would accepting of his partner also losing her hair. Heck stranger things have happened right?

If you have any questions for Danielle you can write them here. Or email me privately and I will send Danielle your email address so you can correspond further.

Yesterday was Valentines Day so the timing is nearly perfect 🙂 Incidentally I drove myself into a chocolate stupor yesterday, hope everyone had a good Valentine’s Day!


Sometimes Socializing Just Isn't Fun With Hair LossHi Everyone, It’s been awhile since I’ve written. I’ve been so busy with my job and my new nephew and of course my hair, what else. I definitely have enhanced coping skills but there is no denying the impact hair loss has on my life today. Tonight I have a get together with some friends I have not seen in a year, I was actually suppose to have this dinner weeks ago! But I managed to wiggle out of it with an excuse to only delay the inevitable. It sounds awful I know. I mean I going to be spending time with my fiance and a great wonderful couple, but all I think about it my hair. I’d wiggle my way out one more time if I could, but I just can’t. I actually cried about it days ago when the final plans were made. I was so upset after my fiance hung up the phone finalizing the time, making reservations and everything. I felt angry and sad. I had a major meltdown and was crying, and all at once I was flooded with all my hair loss devastation emotions. Each day since I’ve been looking at today like some kind of punishment. I hate feeling this way. But I know better, I know how I regret looking back on the last 8 years of life and missing out on so many things, fun, laughter… living. I’ll do my best to make myself feel good. I’ll start getting reading extra like 4 hours early because I have to prepare for my possible hair frustrations. Nothing is worse that have a hair tantrum and being late at the same time. So if I start early I’ll have plenty of time to prepare myself physically and emotionally 🙂 Who knows, I may even end up having a good time. I’ll keep everyone posted about how it goes.

In general my hair loss does seem to being doing better. The loss seems to have definitely slowed, but I am not really seeing any regrowth. I’m not hoping for miracles only to get back perhaps what I lost in the last year (since that deadly shed that never seemed to end) . Hopefully in time things will thicken up a bit. Just enough to get by, thats all I need.

One last thing I’d like to mention, for those women who haven’t yet check out the Women’s Hair Loss Project Network

I encourage you to make a visit. It is a real unique way to connect with other women suffering with hair loss as well and there are so many wonderful supportive women on there. Well that time is nearing when I’ll have to start getting ready for my night out. I remember when this used to be such an easy process, shower, blow dry and go in 30 minutes. *Sigh*

P.S. I’m really really sorry for the duplicate email that got sent out yesterday to the subscribers that contained several of the previous posts in it. I switched the site over to a new server and it seems feedburner (the subscriber service) recognized some of those posts as new even though they were not. So apologies for any inconvenience that caused.

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