Women’s Hair Loss: Treatments, Diagnosis – What you NEED to know

by Y on January 28, 2024

There is a lot of confusion on hair loss treatments, what works, what doesn’t. In this video I discuss the value of legitimate treatments and the importance of a proper diagnosis.

This video also discusses the importance of understanding the risks of ANY hair loss treatment and being careful in what you choose to do. I go over the treatments that have proven to be effective for *some* women (some women don’t respond to anything, and some respond to some things and not others, and for some the limited results don’t warrant continuing the treatment).

-Topical Minoxidil (Rogaine)
-Oral Minoxidil (This one seems to be doing pretty well for both men and women, I have 2 close friends taking it and they are experiencing good results, but had side effects to get through).
-Spirolactone (Aldactone)
-Finasteride (Propecia), Massive warning for women if getting pregnant.
-PRP Therapy (I did this one for 14 years, only stopping Jan 2023 because against this second hair loss it did not work)

All treatments have side effects and all carry the risk of additional hair loss. I have done all of the above treatments except Oral Minoxidil. It was suggested to me 3 times in the last couple years, but I no longer want to systemically treat my hair loss.

There is value in proper diagnosis, though not all women need it to move forward in their hair loss journey.

My journey with hair loss began nearly 25 years ago at the age of 21 (female pattern baldness), I’ve had to go through so much in this process, and experiencing not one but two types of hair loss, and re-learn a whole new way to navigate this new hair loss (inflammatory alopecia) at the age of 45.

You can be okay, feel okay, and be happy… and find yourself if you feel you lost yourself. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I won’t say it’s been an easy road, but it’s one I know in which we can all find our own peace, in our own way.

Education is so important, whether in choosing to treat your hair loss or wearing wigs, relying on others leaves us vulnerable and susceptible to being let down and ripped off.

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Beth January 31, 2024 at 1:51 pm

I was hoping to get some feedback about my current hair loss situation (and if this isn’t the appropriate way to ask, apologies and no need to respond).
I’m 61. I noticed some hair loss at the front of my part about 18 months ago, but nothing drastic. Then, in about a 4 month period, I’ve gone from mild loss to major loss…large patches of scalp showing through at the part and back of my head. My dermatologist prescribed oral minoxidal, oral finasteride, topical minoxidil, and PRP. I started the minoxidil and finasteride about two months ago, and had my first PRP treatment 1 month ago. I know it’s supposed to take several months to see results (if they happen), but if anything, the loss hasn’t even stabilized, it has worsened. I’m also concerned that given my age, none of this may be effective. Do you have any knowledge about how age affects these treatments? Particularly, I can’t find info about age and PRP. Anything you can offer would be appreciated. I am pretty distressed and anxious all the time about this hair loss, and it’s really having a terrible impact on my self-esteem and my mood in general; and then I also feel guilty about being so deeply depressed/anxious about something aesthetic and not life-threatening or physically painful.


Joyce June 6, 2024 at 3:00 pm

Hi Beth –
I totally understand.
I’m 81, and I find it very hard to get used to my quite sparse hair on top and in the back, so I sympathize with you! I take oral minoxidil (½ a 5g tab). I’d like to hear what others use as well, and if anything works for you. Applying liquid minoxidil did keep hair loss to minimum, though still some loss, but I hated growing facial hair. When I stopped using, I was shocked after a month or two by how much sparser my hair is, but oral use hasn’t restored at all.


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