Learning To Live With Hair Loss: Accepting The Unacceptable

by Y on January 29, 2024

How do we get comfortable in a life with hair loss?  How to we accept the unacceptable ? How do we get comfortable with our hair loss with the choices we make to live with hair loss, including treatment and / or wigs.

How do we move forward and let go of what holds us back, which often times is the options of others. 

It has taken me a long time to learn to accept this, accept less, accept change, and learn to accept this was my reality. Fighting it only hurt me, denial stole years of my life, it didn’t help me.

The ability to be okay, exists, it doesn’t happen overnight, but it does involve being honest with ourselves, it does involve US evolving, and learning all we can to make empowered and educated decisions for ourselves. No one can tell you how to live your hair loss life, the right way is the way that works for you. 

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Janet S January 29, 2024 at 7:43 pm

I remember so many years ago when you wouldn’t even show us your face without sunglasses. You are my Courageous inspiration !!! I’m a lot older but you’ve guided me in my hair loss journey. I wear wigs pretty much full time because I followed your path and didn’t feel alone. I’m so pleased to see your finding peace. All the best , Jan


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