Hair Loss Attitude

by Y on March 1, 2008

Hair Loss AttitudeA friend of mine sent this to me in an email,  I’ve never actually spoken about my hair loss with this person so of course I’m thinking… SHE KNOWS!! But she sent it to like 50 other people at the same time so I guess that is me just being paranoid. Or is it? 🙂  The story is about attitude, but the subject matter was of particular interest to me. Here it is:

There once was a woman who woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had only three hairs on her head.

Well, “she said, “I think I’ll braid my hair today?” So she did and she had a wonderful day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and saw that she had only two hairs on her head.

“H-M-M,” she said, “I think I’ll part my hair down the middle today?” So she did
and she had a grand day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that she had only one hair on her head.

“Well,” she said, “today I’m going to wear my hair in a pony tail.” So she did and
she had a fun, fun day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror and noticed that there wasn’t a single hair on her head.

“YEA!” she exclaimed, “I don’t have to fix my hair today!”

Attitude is everything.

Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

Live simply,

Love generously,

Care deeply,

Speak kindly…….

Leave the rest to God

With Love

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

barbara March 2, 2008 at 5:27 am

I’m not sure, but she may have been thinking about you. I think it was her way of telling you not to be upset in a nice way.


Robin Flamish March 2, 2008 at 7:18 am

Barbara….. She was giving you insiration with love in her heart the best way she could. Some people want to help sooooooooo bad and try to do so through a writing or passage! People do care! Everyone is going through something in there life at any given day. Unfortunately…. we wear ours on our head for the whole world to see. for others it is internal. we are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


admin March 2, 2008 at 2:23 pm

whether my friend was intentionally sending it to me because of my hair loss or not, the message was received loud and clear. Attitude really is everything. I’ve seen talk shows where girls are missing arms and legs and they are out there living their lives, letting the whole world see them. I remember one time there was an episode of montel and the guest was a former model who was now completely disfigured from having been set on fire. Apparently she had finished a photoshoot and had “Pam” the cooking spray stuff on her body which was used to make her shiny and she got in the shower and also decided to light a cigarette. Well that set her whole body ablaze. What a horrific story. But she was there on montel, telling her story. What strength. I often look toward those stories to draw strength for myself and to remind myself that while my hair loss horrible and devastating, there really are worse things that can happen to us in this life.


Beth March 3, 2008 at 8:43 pm

ALthough this video is not about hair loss, it has a very good message. Some of you may have seen it, as it was on Oprah. It’s 10 minutes, but worth a watch.


admin March 3, 2008 at 9:02 pm

Hey Beth, Thanks for posting that again. I wrote about it this past Oct 31st here it is good video for everyone to watch



Beth March 4, 2008 at 8:29 pm

ooooopppsss, sorry about that. I hadn’t realized that it had been posted before.


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