Working Out In My Wig At The Gym, Making Mila (Follea Aero-2) Sweat

by Y on July 10, 2013

Took Mila (my Follea Aero-2 Wig) to my circuit training class for the second time. We both survived, and I brought the camera along to share with you how she looks when she has been worked out!  A little over a week ago I made my first attempt at wearing Mila to the gym, I posted about it on Facebook, and I was a bundle of nerves wondering how she would hold up, if she would slide, how it would feel etc etc etc., the list goes on. I made it through that workout just fine, but decided to fine tune Mila’s look for optimal heart pounding endorphin raising, serious cardio blasting circuit training.

For today’s workout , I pinned the front bang area hairs to the side because they got sweaty plastered on my head last time.. not great. Also, last time I left my hair down for way too long, perhaps I was just enjoying being one of those gals at the gym on the treadmill with her hair down and swishing all around, or perhaps I knew that the ponytail isn’t Mila’s best look in my view, maybe it was a little of both. Either way, once my neck started sweating the hair got a little stuck together in the neck area, and Mila just wasn’t looking as cute as when she walked in… poor girl. Eventually I put her in a looped ponytail but it was too late, the sweatiness had taken over.  This time, from the start of the workout, I put her in the looped low ponytail and it was just sooooo much better and I felt so much more confident wearing her to the gym today. I think as with anything else, the more you do it the more confident you will get with it.

So ladies I’m happy to report, that with the assistance of the WiGrip, that Mila can pretty much do anything, including sit-ups, pushups, treadmill, squats against the wall… and oh, so much more.  

Happy video watching 🙂

P.s. I make a comment at the end, that it was a long video — and really this video isn’t that much longer than my others, but I had a whole separate six minute first part I recorded this morning before I left the house, I decided it would make the video too long so I cut it out.

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Christian July 10, 2013 at 3:34 pm

Yay! So glad you posted this because it’s one of my biggest worries!!!!! Thanks so much as always girl!


Ciella July 10, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Yayyy!! So happy for you:)) It feels SO great, doesn’t it? I also resorted to wearing my hair when I go exercising…altho’ I am mainly just cycling right now…so I use a wiggy that I reserve just for cycling … I missed hair so much when I was only wearing a buff that I am much happier now wearing hair than going without…even tho’ I have a helmet on top…lol:)

Here’s three cheers for all of us hair wearers….see….we can do just about EVERYTHING with our lovely hair…isn’t it wonderful:))


Lina July 11, 2013 at 5:27 am

Hi Y,
As usual as soon as I see a video from you I start hand clapping fiercely!

The gym is really important to my mental well being and I need to consistently incorporate it more. As many strides as I have made, the gym is still difficult for me. I want to just use my buff, but never do in the afternoon or evening, different group of people and I just feel “not right”.
I want to do a cardio class but not in my wig, the only one I’d use is not really long enough for a swooped pony and she is not a lace front, so bangs have to stay down.
I will never take my virgin to the gym – no way, no how!
I love how you show us everything is possible. I’m not giving up on finding my answer to the gym – all I know is I need the gym for the feel good endorphins.
I think when I can, I will buy a ponytail wig in a similar colour to what I’m wearing now and use her strictly for the gym. Although, I fantasize in class sometimes of just doing a class with my shaved head – sometimes I feel like whipping it off in the middle of class! I can just see weights go flying everywhere and mouths hitting the floor – gotta love all the mirrors in the workout studio 🙂

Have a super day and thanks for sharing,



Annette July 11, 2013 at 7:53 am

Hi Y !!

Great video and this is good to know!!! We all appreciate you doing all these things for US!!! So sooo appreciated ! 🙂


admin July 11, 2013 at 8:04 am

Thanks ladies! I went to the 6am gym glass this morning, and wore my beanie cap (no wig) because it was early and still cool out and my beanie cap made sense at that moment. Of course the same desk man that was there last 2 wigged exercise times, was there again. He didn’t even seem like he noticed anything at all. No problemo.. beanie, wig.. it’s all good. If he ever does “Catch on” and notice (which I’m doubtful of) I’m comfortable at this point to spill the beans and say very casually that I wear hair sometimes.

@Chistian – I think we can work through many of our worries in time… patience and a dedication for accepting the new normal can do wonders.

@Ciella – It does feel great. Awesome in fact. To know that I can, when I want, work out in a wig is such a great feeling. Cheers!

@Lina – The gym is so crucial to our mental well being, it provides such a sense of clarity and overall yumminess. I look ok in a beanie.. and if I could make the word “ok” smaller I would to show you that it’s barely a passable look for me, but when I wear a buff, I look awful. I’m thinking maybe I need a different buff or one with a pattern or something. I definitely don’t look like the girls on the website though, that’s for darn sure. I think I have a weird head shape. I hope you stay the course with your own workouts, and I’m going to try and do the same 🙂

@Annette – I’m glad you enjoyed it!



Erin July 11, 2013 at 10:48 am

Thanks for posting this! This is definitely something that will be helpful for me in the near future. You are just great! xo


MsFitness July 11, 2013 at 5:46 pm


I had this worry until I realized that working out is very important to me.
I use my old wigs (after I buy a new one) as my “workout” wig.
1) I put my hair in a ponytail with a hair tie, scuunchie or rubber band.
2) I put a colorful bandana (that matches my workout outfit) on my head and tie the ends of the bandana under the ponytail which secures the wig a bit more. I do this to secure the wig when I bend over or stretch during the workout.
3) I used to use bobby pins attached to the wig and the scarf then realized that did not help me as much. You be the judge.
4) I usually go home with the scarf and workout wig still on.

I do allow a little more prep time when I change into my workout clothes to switch to my workout wig. I keep the workout wig in a separate bag (not a see through bag) within my gym bag. I’m usually coming from work directly to the workout site. The workout wig is usually a synthetic fiber making it easier to wash after workouts.

Some of my past (and current concerns):
* Will the other workout people notice?
* Do they even care?
* Will they notice the hair is “different” somehow? If they see me arrive, then again when I leave.
* What if someone sees me in the workout area switching my hair. The cracks in the bathroom stalls do not always allow for complete privacy. I usually try to change my hair really quickly just in case.
* What if someone else needs to use the bathroom stall. As people wait, they tend to be a little nosy–human nature.

I hope this makes sense and helps others.


MsFitness July 11, 2013 at 5:52 pm

* The bandana solves the sweat problem for me. Of course there is sweat, but the banana absorbs most of it.

* Does anyone else worry about the centrifugal force if the wig is not even distributed on your head (length of the wig, etc.)??


Linda July 12, 2013 at 10:28 am

I just want to congratulate you for taking this step. You look amazing with the pinned back hair and ponytail. Never in a million years would anyone guess that it is a wig. I have been torn with wanting to wear hair to the gym. I am so afraid it will fly off or move. I wanted to share with you that last week I went back to the salon were I purchased my follea. They sewed four little clips in. Two in the front on the sides and two in the back. I use a wigrip and it feels very secure but I just wanted another option. You also do not have to use the clips if you don’t want. But with the clips and the wigrip I feel very secure with it. But I am still afraid to wear it to the gym!!
Also, has anyone had any experience with wearing their wig on a boat? I have been avoiding a close friend for years who keeps inviting my family on her boat. I finally said yes and I am so nervous. I am praying for rain on that day!


Linda July 12, 2013 at 10:32 am

Sorry but just a couple of other questions. Has anyone had any experience with using Lumigan drops on their scalp? I have been using them and I am not sure if I am seeing any results. They cost a fortune and I don’t know if it is worth it anymore.
Also, as if this hair loss issue isn’t horrible enough. I began seeing two little white spots on my face. When I went to the derm he said it was vitiligo. Another autoimmune condition like the hair loss. Has anyone else experienced this as well?


Laurel July 12, 2013 at 11:09 am

Linda, I used Lumigan drops on small pencil eraser sized bald spots on my head, and it did not work. Matter of fact, I think they made that area worse, or at least made those spots permanent. Works great on eyelashes and brows, but I would avoid it on your scalp. Good luck!


B July 12, 2013 at 12:28 pm

Nice to see your video. I am not a gym person never have been so this is not a worry for me. Nonetheless this video is relevant to me. I have been wearing my wig again for the last month or so and old anxieties keep creeping back up. I lost these anxieties entirely when my hair grew back but I can’t keep them at bay. Meeting with friends is my “gym”. I love my friends but the last time I saw them I was in my hair only. Some of my friends, acquaintances and family saw me in both for the last year and now wig back again. I have never received any questions but I still desperately have this need to tell…yet don’t want to tell at the same time. Going with my best friend for coffee next week…went thru this with her before did not tell her I was wearing a wig she never asked more than I told which was basically” I am losing my hair and I am going to a lady who specializes in this and finding a way to feel better about it” She saw me in my wig and it didn’t seem to click that it wasn’t my hair. Anyways thanks for the video you are always my inspiration for the big things that used to be little things.


Holly September 22, 2013 at 6:39 am

Hi. Annette
My name is Holly. I just want to thank you for making this video.
I’m a workout girl as well….this has been one of my biggest concerns and you certainly put me at ease.
Actually, tears were running down my face watching you.
I’m kindof at the stage of still having hair, but people are starting to notice that it’s thinning out pretty quickly.
I’m on meds which it looks like I cant get off of….so I’ll be a lifer with a wig in about a year or so I think.
Very nervous.
Husband is a public figure and this has just been so plain hard emotionally. I don’t know where to start or what to do.
I found this website for support but I cant seem to get on.
I’m still waiting on my invite code.
Been about two weeks now I think.
Anyway, thank you so much for your courage and strength. Seeing you made me feel like I can get enough courage to do it too.
God bless


michelle October 28, 2013 at 11:47 pm

Im only just starting out with hair loss it upset me so much I feel lost snd really need ppl to talk to that nos how im feeling


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