It’s Friday… Smile, There’s a Wig On The Table

by Y on May 3, 2013

Hey Beautiful Ladies!

It’s Friday, and I really just wanted to leave you with this image… literally.


The other night I was watching my usual Lifetime Movie (love those), and I got an overall glance of what was occurring on my coffee table at the very moment. My fiancé is cutting slices of cheese and placing them on crackers, I’m grabbing for strawberries, and next to it all sits Mila and her WiGrip, LOL! This is a very normal thing in my house. Remember, Where’s Waldo? Well my wigs are often very much like that in my home, and can be found on tables, counters, couches, the pool table and next to the sink, among other places.

Last night my fiancé walks into the room and says, “I thought you might like this, I found the cat sleeping on it” as he’s holding up Natalia! Oops! I had it on the couch next to me and forgot it there I guess. It happens.

Well, Happy Friday! Eat something fun, drink something happy and try to remember where you leave your hair.


{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Als May 3, 2013 at 2:10 pm

I could not stop smiling after reading this. It shows acceptance and really puts it all into perspective. We need to think of wearing hair as an accessory and it just enhances what we look like, it’s not who we are. Thank you so much for sharing. I LOVE your sense of humor and would be lost at times without it.


Julie May 3, 2013 at 3:29 pm

I LOVE it!!! I thought I was the only one that goes to “find” my hair! My boyfriend calls my various hairpieces “cousin Its” from the Adams Family, and he said he never knows just where they’ll show up! This pic truly made my day.


Ciella May 3, 2013 at 8:40 pm

Love this pic!! Reminds me of home sweet home. One just never knows where they’re going to find hair:) A funny example is of when I had my recent indoor termite inspection and the guy had to open all the cupboards … I wonder what he thought when he opened up my one cupboard and came across quite a few upside down wiggies on some door hooks….it’s at times like those that silence is golden….lol;)


Bonnie May 4, 2013 at 6:37 am

I love this! wearing hair and having hair strewn about the place – the new normal! I would however try to keep the critters from the wigs!

My kitchen was strewn with wigs last weekend as it was a Big Wash Day. lots of hair to wash. Hubby did not like the hairy scene at all and finally asked if I could move my wig lab elsewhere. Funny since his discarded hair piece lived in the bathroom vanity for months cuz he couldn’t seem to part with it. 🙂


admin May 4, 2013 at 7:49 am

I’m so glad my little pic brightened up some of your days, it was just so funny to look at, as I was sitting there, I couldn’t help but snap a pic of it!

@Als – Smile smile, it’s good for the soul 🙂

@Julie – That’s so funny your guy calls them cousin its, and from that I can ascertain that he’s supportive of your hair wearing, which I love.

@Ciella – I really wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see your termite inspectors face. I recently had people in my house doing work and I just kept saying “oh don’t mind them” as they passed by my wigs! It’s casual, it’s normal…. I think, ha

@Bonnie – OMG, I nearly choked on my coffee when I saw your Wig lab comment LMAO. This is the new normal.. so lets just flag down our significant others, stand in front of them and say “Deal With It” as we continue on with our hair raising wigged activities. True true, I should definitely try and keep my cat from my hair, but he goes everywhere and I’m not the best at putting my wig on her head, so if I toss it on the table and leave the room, I very possibility could come back to find my cat found a new blankie!



Annette May 4, 2013 at 12:16 pm

LOL!! Okay – I just ACTUALLY laughed out loud… 🙂


Angie T May 6, 2013 at 3:39 pm

I was just today reading over from your posts of the last year, from your dipping-your-toe-in-the-water-wig-wearing adventures, to your now Kick-Ass-Fearless-Leader-Wig-Wearing Self. (In Capital Letters for emphasis!) You have LITERALLY kicked wig wearing’s ass and given your beauties names.

Seriously, the incredible growth of your journey has been both an honor, privilege, and inspiration to watch. Not only have you battled demons of your own, you’ve handed out weapons to your followers!

I remember reading, on one of the very first posts you ever wrote here, that you had to believe that this was thrust upon you at such an early age for a reason, and I think that is it. To show women that their is not ONLY life after hair loss, it’s a pretty fabulous one at that!

Many here have suggested you write a book, and if you ever do, I suggest you call it “Don’t feel sorry for me, I look fabulous!” 😉


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