A Trip to Get a Grip (Wi) at Milano Wigs

by Y on August 6, 2012

So last week I ventured my way out to Milano Wigs in Los Angeles to pick up some more WiGrips. For some odd reason I thought they had a grayish colored grip, totally wrong on that one. So when you hear me talking about it, please feel free to ignore me 🙂

I took the opportunity to film Natalia (my lifestyle wig) in all her natural daylight glory so you can see how she looks just “out and about” driving around.

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A August 6, 2012 at 4:22 pm

Love the top of that wig. Is it all lace, or is that a silk top part?


Annette August 7, 2012 at 7:23 am

Wow! Beautiful wig – ESPECIALLY in the sunlight!!! 🙂


admin August 7, 2012 at 8:44 am

@A – Thanks! This is not a lace wig, and it’s my understanding Follea doesn’t use silk lining anymore, I think the first generation of the lifestyle wig used the silk lining, this is the second generation and I believe they are now using a monofilament top. But that partline that you see in the video is all wig.

@Annette – Thank you! It glistens in the sunlight 🙂



hope4hair August 7, 2012 at 6:29 pm

OK so what is the real difference in the caps, between the aero and the lifestyle? I tried to read thru the description in the catalog but still a bit confused…


admin August 8, 2012 at 8:10 am

@hope4hair – The Aero is a machine wefted back and hand-tied lace top and front. The Lifestyle is all hand-tied, meaning someone with a TON of patience tied all those hairs in to the cap individually. The Aero has the lace front so you have to trim it back and it’s open lace at the front of the wig, however, you can also get their Aero in a closed lace front, so no trimming of the lace (that isn’t something they stock, but you can order it that way). Comfort wise, I do prefer the lifestyle a tiny bit more, but the Aero is plenty comfortable and actually technically “stays” better on your head. The machine wefted back is a stretch cap and it seems to conform to the back of the head better almost like gripping it to have a more snug in place fit. The lifestyle stays put just fine too, I use the WiGrip on both, so I don’t want you to think it doesn’t but for example, if I’m lying down on the couch in my lifestyle wig, it can loosen up from it’s original spot, not enough where anyone would notice just enough where I can feel it, but the Aero in that same situation stays pretty strongly with no movement out of place. I think the Aero would make a better travel flight wig for that reason. 🙂 But again, the difference is minimal but something I noticed. If you put both on your head, and brush your hair you’ll find the brush hits the Aero’s wefts on the way down almost making it a bumpy brush ride as your stroke your hair, not so with the hand-tied lifestyle, it’s smooth and apart from bonding probably the most natural feeling to the way it is when you brush your own hair, no bumpy brush ride. You still have to be gentle with both. It’s not that big of a deal really, but something that stood out to me right away because I was so used to he hand-tied lifestyle cap.

Did that help at all? I think I confused myself LOL



GAYATRI January 2, 2013 at 2:07 am


i feel soo good now that i can switch on to wigs!
these look much better than the natural hair lol 😛


GAYATRI January 2, 2013 at 2:09 am

PS : doesnt look like a wig at all! and you look damn pretty <3


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