I’m Sick – I’ll Be Back Posting Soon

by Y on December 17, 2007

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you guys know I’ve been sick so I haven’t been able to post. Hopefully I’ll kick this thing the next day or so and be back. Don’t know if this has happened to anyone, but my whole boy is achy which is pretty typical of being sick, but my hair is achy too!! My head is very sensitive right now and touching my “hair” hurts.

Back To Bed For Me.


{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Mira December 18, 2007 at 3:25 am

Hi, hope you feel better soon. Am heading home for Christmas and New Year with the usual trepidation that people who haven’t seen me for one year will notice my hair loss even more than people who see me on a daily basis. However, am determined that it’s not going to stop me from having fun over the festive season! Hope you have fun over the next few weeks and thanks again for starting up this site!


Pat December 19, 2007 at 7:35 am

Sorry to hear the bug has caught up to you. Unfortunately, it is THAT time of the year and you are certainly not alone in this respect either. So, take your medicine, get plenty of rest and feel better soon. I’ll look forward to reading new postings when you are feeling better.

Happy holidays and best wishes for this upcoming New Year.


admin December 21, 2007 at 3:50 pm

Hi Mira & Pat,

Thanks for writing and wishing me well. I’m finally better, took longer than I expected and I’ll just take it easy the next couple days to make sure it is 100% gone, I’d hate to be sick for Christmas!

Mira, like you I am always hesitant around the holidays, seeing family and all. I feel like I have a yellow arrow pointing to my head hanging above me, but I’m not going to let that ruin my Christmas and New Years.

Happy Holidays and lets all wish for more hair next year 🙂 or at least for it to stop falling out!


lellbussy January 21, 2009 at 6:26 pm

Nothing seems to be easier than seeing someone whom you can help but not helping.
I suggest we start giving it a try. Give love to the ones that need it.
God will appreciate it.


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