Another Wig Wearing Sharing Experience!

by Y on March 20, 2013

I posted this on the WHLP Facebook page a little while ago, and thought I’d cross post it here for everyone!

So today I had a personal organizer come out to potentially assist in getting my house more together. One of the areas I need assistance is the master bath and master closet. Decided to just leave my wigs where they were, sitting pretty front and center.

We walked into the bathroom and I pointed to them and said, “Don’t let them scare you, they don’t bite” 😉 She said “You wear wigs?” and I let her know I do, and that I was wearing one right now. She was quite shocked (in a good way) she said she would never in a million years have known. Then she asked me why I wear them, and I told her the truth. I’m getting better at telling my wig wearing reason in brief and with literally zero emotion. Just matter of fact. Which is a good thing. I’ve cried enough tears to fill up an olympic sized swimming pool during the last 14 years, and I feel very fortunate that I’ve reached a place of acceptance and that I no longer allow my hair loss to rule my life. It’s a part of my life still, I know it’s there, I know it’s happening, but I no longer give it any power to control me.

I’ve made peace with my reality and I feel good about being able to not try to hide it when I don’t want to, like today with my wigs lying around the bathroom, and I don’t mind telling people I’m wearing hair and the reasons for it. I don’t run down the street screaming “It’s a wig” though that’s a funny thought, but I’m fine spilling the beans at a bar, if someone complimented “MY” hair.

I’ll be 35 years old next month, and while it did take 14 years for me to reach this place, I thank god everyday that I did.

Happy Wednesday!


{ 8 comments… read them below or add one }

Lina March 20, 2013 at 4:53 pm

How liberating for you! You really are such an inspiration. I imagine remembering how you sank before during this journey, compared to now, leaves you rather dumbfounded and f-word proud!
You really are lovely, inside and out and your wigs certainly do not look like wigs, especially the way you integrate them.
I will always be thankful for your help, guidance and support.
I’m still using “training wheels” on this journey but at least I’m moving forward (with a few steps back once in a while). I think this is just part of this journey.
Big hugs and a big old hair flick to you.


admin March 21, 2013 at 11:24 am

Thank you Lina! LOL @ F-word proud 🙂 Big hugs and big swishy hair flicks back at you!



phillygrl March 21, 2013 at 11:31 am

Made me smile from beginning to end !
First, a personal organizer ?!?! Heck yes ! Where do I get one ? And will they come back and make me KEEP it that way ? haha
Second, what an amazing transformation from where you were to where you are now. It has been beautiful to watch. Please give yourself HUGE credit!
Lastly, YOU have climbed mountains and yet still throw lines out to a world of women who havent caught up with you yet. That is amazing, its your calling and I can never, ever thank you enough. I hope I can one day follow your lead and pass it on.
Baby steps, baby steps…..actually more like cement shoes for now ! lol But the day is coming !


Annette March 21, 2013 at 1:06 pm

Hey!!! We need a “Like” button on your website!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Y, I am SO DARN HAPPY for you! After 14 years you DESERVE PEACE!! I am SO HOPING to get there one day… Love, Annette xo


Judi Fox March 22, 2013 at 3:44 am

This is a GREAT post! I hope it was { ok } but I quoted you on my latest blog post. I just love that you shared your journey out loud and the comments people write back to you are awesome! Thank you for inspiring people!


admin March 23, 2013 at 4:42 pm

@phillygrl – Thank you! I know you will get to where you need to be when you are ready, you are making baby steps each day! I really think if I can get to this place that most anyone can, I consider myself a hard case in dealing with my hair loss and finally accepting wearing hair. It didn’t come easy and mentally I resisted it for so long, but surprise, I was able to accept all of it !

@Annette – Thank you! You will get there!

@Judi Fox – Great post you wrote! Thank you so much for including my post in it!



Liz March 26, 2013 at 5:37 am

Thank you for being such an inspiration, it’s such a relief to find someone who truly understands. I’m a 36 year old woman who has just begun this hair loss journey (about 8 months ago) and I feel like my spirit has been crushed! I’m trying to remind myself that it’s just hair so I can be the Mom I need to be for my 3 kids (who don’t care if I have hair or not-so why do I?) but everyday is just SO hard to face when I look in the mirror and I find myself angry, sad & helpless instead of the strong, happy person I used to be. I’ve been following your site for a while but wonder if you can give me advice on where to begin with the whole wig journey and if you (or your readers) recommend toppers (or do they look too fake or are they too difficult to keep on?)-I believe this should be my next step for the days I just can’t face myself anymore. Thank you again for your humor, encouragement and honesty. -Liz


suki April 6, 2013 at 12:59 am

darling y, it took me (literally and you’ve seen me so you know it’s true) fifty (yes 50!) years to accept my hair loss and to start to wear hair. wonder why i waited so long when this solution has brought me so much happiness and relief…but it’s never too late! i hope our sisters who are hesitating will take heart and think toward solution rather than the heartbreak of loss if that is what they’re feeling! onward and upward, sisters!! xo


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