Just a Little Update.. Traffic, Wigs and a Haircut!

by Y on September 26, 2012

Hi Everyone.. made a little video the day before yesterday giving a little update on me, including talking about my recent haircut I just got. Yes it is true, I got my hair cut short. Like… short short. Like… I’m committed to not wearing a ponytail, short. Like…goodbye dry thin crappy hair, au revoir, don’t let the hair brush yank ya on the way out, short. 🙂

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Marsha September 26, 2012 at 3:23 pm

Hello, I have never posted before and only found this site this past July. I am so happy to have found the Hairloss Project. My story began last October right after Hurricane Irene hit New York. My hairdresser noticed a small alopecia spot in the back of my head. My head started itching right around that time and it continued for months along with gradual hair loss. To make a long, frightening ordeal short, it ended up to be from allergies and black mold which was in my basement due to our sump pump overflowing after the rain from the hurricane. Well, by the time we figured that out, it was January and once my husband cleaned up the mold, my hair loss stopped and my hair started growing back. However, it started again in May (with the onslaught of seasonal allergies and outside mold spores) and it has not stopped. I can totally identify with everything I have read on this board and I have shed many tears, however, I feel so fortunate as I am 59 years old and always had beautiful, thick hair up until now. My heart goes out to each one of you! I bought a Follea toppette in May when the hair started to fall out again and that worked for a few months. However, my hair started falling faster so I purchased a Follea wig and had it colored and styled like my own. I thought I would have a hard time adjusting to the wig, but in reality, it has put me at such ease–no longer do I worry that the wind will blow and someone will see my bald spots !I used to dread the days I had to shampoo as I would lose so much hair–just like many of you. I transitioned easily to the wig and no one at work noticed as the Follea wig is so natural looking. I encourage everyone to stop worrying and start living–buy the best wig you can afford and you will no longer have any of those dreaded “BAD HAIR DAYS!” I never thought I would do it, but I cut the rest of my remaining hair very short 2 days ago, as it was getting in the way of the wig. At this point, I almost want all of it gone and maybe some day, will shave it. There was one poster here whose words really stuck in my mind…She said, when people have bad teeth, they go get them fixed, and they don’t think twice about getting plastic surgery , face lifts, etc. So it makes perfect sense to wear a beautiful wig, when you have bad hair. My Follea rep told me that so many celebrities and news anchors wear wigs and toppettes and that some of them even wear toppettes on top of their wigs! I hope everyone gets the courage to stop hiding and worrying–buy yourself a gorgeous wig and start living again!


lina September 27, 2012 at 4:40 am

Marsha – awesome inspiration. I transitioned to a wig and shaved my head about 3 months ago, it gets better every day. I am feeling this is my normal and have already accepted more public invitations in the last few months than I have the last few years and wasnt’ staring at the floor the entire time feeling like crap. I echo your sentiments and am so happy to hear you at peace. Big hug

amazing that you like your new short hair do – love it. also, I don’t see a wig when I see you, just beautiful you. It is sad for me to think of such a wonderful personality hiding herself at home and am so glad you are feeling, looking, living and doing so much positive for yourself and others. You are awesome.


Mycurlyhair September 27, 2012 at 11:04 am

Great Story Marsha, I do believe my HL started from mold in my basement and allergies (I think came from the mold) They now say I have LPP which I am not so sure about. It can be brought on environmental though.

Love your videos! Have been waiting for another one. 🙂 Glad to here you cut your hair! Good luck with coming off the meds. Do you sleep with your wigs on or a scarf or your bio hair? Just wondering. 🙂


Angie T September 27, 2012 at 2:04 pm

Y, I was wondering how coming off the meds was going. I had a hunch you were going to either cut it short or shave it off. I loved your video – here’s hoping I find the “balls” all my girls got!!


Brenda September 27, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Y, Good for you. That was a perfect step so when you get off the meds if you shed you won’t even notice it. I shed so much everyday and it is psychologically draining. I may do the same and seeing that you did it definately gives me strength and an extra boost of courage. I started wearing full wigs this last summer and it has gone okay but not as comfortable as you are yet. I started using Finasteride about 8 months ago it’s not helping at all. Minoxidil has worn off it has helped a lot for the last 7 years but it’s effects have worn off and for the last year and a half my shedding started big time and hasn’t stopped. My doctor discusses Spiro with me but I tried it 8 years ago when this all started and stopped it because I didn’t think it helped any. I feel like I want to give up on my hair too. If it wants to go then go I can’t stop it. Acceptance will take time but with role models like you out there acceptance doesn’t seem so far away. I truly hope women start talking to other women in the real world and start to make women realize they are not alone and there are options that are so believable and realistic. Love your hair, your sunglasses and your attitude! B


caseys September 28, 2012 at 6:52 am

I just started wearing a wig last week! I went straight to Design by Flora in Teaneck, NJ (thanks to this site for the referral). It hasn’t been an easy transition and some days I say, “Why me? I can’t believe I have to do this! This sucks!” And and other days I’m like, “Wow, this head of hair is amazing! No more hiding my head or myself!” I too am now thinking of cutting my rinky-dink, pathetic pony tail but leaving the sides & top longer so I can keep blending with the wig. I just worry my pony (as tiny as it is) is helping to anchor the wigrip. So afraid of that thing slipping off.


lina September 28, 2012 at 10:40 am

Hi Casey,

I’m Lina. I understand how difficult this transition is but it was literally eating at me, enough and it is so amazing to have amazing hair! Just want to tell you, I shaved my head 1/8″ because the shedding was so bad, I needed that anxiety to stop, it was giving me chest palpations. 100% you do not need your ponytail to anchor the wigrip – I use a wig grip and I have been caught in some kind of wind (I think I saw Dorothy and Toto pass me by) that sucker stays on. I would be lost without it. Hope this helps. I’m only 3 months in and it gets better with each passing week. Not skipping in a meadow, falalalala’ing but much better.
Hugs to you.


admin September 28, 2012 at 11:33 am

Thank you guys so much for all the wonderful comments!

@Marsha – Thank you so much for sharing your story, I’m so glad you have made the leap to wearing wigs and aren’t looking back! Congratulations!

@Lina – I’m so done with being locked away, done with feeling like Sh*t all the time, I want to enjoy this life and I’m going to FULLY embrace all the wonderfulness that wigs can offer, offering me versatility in changing my look whenever I want. To do THAT, I have to be pretty open about my wig wearing. I mean people may not notice my hair grows and shrinks 4 inches from day to day when I wear Anya or Natalia because they are the same color, but surely (you’d think) they’d notice if I was blonde or red. Questions asked, will be answered accordingly

@Mycurlyhair – I don’t sleep in my wigs, in fact I only slept in my wig once and that was a few days ago because we had overnight house guests and these people were not “let in” on my wig wearing and since I do live in California, there are earthquakes and I did have concerns that on the off chance there was a little shaker in the middle of the night that we all would have convene in the hallway and I’d be sans wig! OMG, I can’t even imagine the shocked look that would appear on their faces.. “Oh this” as I point to my very short hair, “Oh I gave myself a haircut before I went to bed,” “What? you dont’ do the same?” Ughhhh no way, so I just slept in Anya, It’s not that comfortable and I definitely won’t make a habit out of it, it’s also not good for the hair. But from time to time if I have to do it to make myself feel more comfortable, I will

@Angie T – I’m actually going to cut more off in a few weeks, get it down to the shortest I feel comfortable with, it’s freeing to have it out of the way. I love it. You’ll get the “balls” 🙂 soon, believe and you will achieve, and if that doesn’t work get drunk and find liquid courage. Always works for me.. heeee heeee!

@Brenda – I think there comes a time when it just gets tiring to keep fighting and holding on to the hair that is determined to part ways with us. Even if my hair stopped falling out today and I never lost another strand, I wouldn’t be happy with what I have, and the only way for me to get the hair I want is to buy it ! And so I will. I’ve made peace with it and now I just want to find the courage to just be more out there about it, talk about it in “real life” more. Yes I wear hair and it isn’t because my hair fell out from “stress” it’s because I have stinky hair genes and have female pattern baldness. Check please!

I think acceptance in hair wearing comes at different speeds for different people and I think you’re well on your way. If you wear wigs all the time anyways, and you’re willing to part with the your bio locks, I’d definitely recommend a short hair cut. But you really have to be comfortable with the idea of it. What I like about it, is not seeing as much shedding and just not having the crap dry spider webby wisps floating around my neck and just irking me throughout the day. My wigs also wear better now that it’s clipped away. If the meds worked for me to give me the hair I needed to feel good about myself, I would have continued on, despite whatever side effects would have come my way down the line. But while it may have slowed the progression, my hair has reached the point of no return, so I’ve decided to show it the exit door 🙂

@Caseys – Congrats on your new wig from Flora! I have never tried on any of her pieces but I do know a lot of women love her hair. I don’t make a ponytail, actually I never did, when wearing a wig anyways, and my WiGrip stays on just fine. I actually much prefer the way my wigs lay better now that my hair is really short. I was committed to never leaving the house without my wig again, so I was willing to take a chance on cutting off my hair because it isn’t life-usable to me anymore. I’m not going anywhere in my bio hair, not even walking the dog, so snip snip and I’m going to get more snips soon. But you might want to give yourself some time to adjust to wearing your wig in the way you are now since you do feel that your little ponytail is helping you don’t want to do anything to derail you from being a happy wig wearer and making this transition easier on yourself. I had 4 months of full time wig wearing before I was ready to cut off my bio hair, so take your time and do it (if you want) when you feel comfortable and confident that you are ready for it.

@Lina – Hi again 🙂 I nearly pissed my pants when I read your line of being caught in a wind where you think you saw Dorothy and Toto pass by! LOL Cheers to future Meadow Skips!

Much love to all.. and big hugs!


Mycurlyhair September 28, 2012 at 12:43 pm

Omg! Thanks for the laugh. “Oh I gave myself a haircut before I went to bed” Good one! Yeah, that would be shocking if there was a quake! Its so awesome you wear the wig and they dont know! Im just hoping to win the lotto to get me a couple of those! I dont even need to wear here “yet” and I want one!


Electra September 29, 2012 at 8:47 am

Thanks for all the great info on Follea. I went to Jentis today and was thrilled. Curtis got a ton of things to try. I wasn’t sure what I needed and worried I wouldn’t find something I love. The good news is I loved several wigs and a topper. I went with a 5030 topper and will add highlights. I drove 3 hours to Marietta , GA and it was totally worth it. Curtis is a doll!!! So kind, helpful and enthusiastic. I’ll have a great topper for now and I know about the wigs for later. Can’t wait to see it.


Ann T. September 29, 2012 at 6:38 pm

y: Love short hair and your courage! Bet you feel much more free!

Electra- I went to meet with Curtis at Jentis this summer (loved him t00!) and tried on that same topper! What length did you get? Are you doing clip in? How exciting for you! I hope we get to see your new hair soon! How long until it arrives?


Electra September 30, 2012 at 2:50 am

Hi Ann

I picked a topper I tried. 8 inch 5030 large base. . I just need to get it highlighted. When it gets back it needs a little trim to match my bob cut. I’ll post pics when it’s ready.

I feel good knowing I have a plan. If I loose more hair Ill get a wig and I already know what I like.

Are you in ATL? We live in Bham but visit Atl for fun. Made a weekend trip of it.


Ann T. October 1, 2012 at 9:40 am


Sounds cute! I was looking at the same color but need a slightly longer length I think. I like the idea of adding the highlights. Do you get that done after you purchase it or does Jentis do that for you? Did you feel like the clips were comfortable when you were trying it on?

Yes, I live in Atlanta. Let’s see those pics when you get your gorgeous topper! I’m excited to see it. Are you on the network? I’m “Pendy” out there.


Electra October 1, 2012 at 4:08 pm

Hi Ann,

I’ll friend you on the network. I’m Electra there too. Curtis has a colorist who is doing the highlights. Curtis is going to supervise and we discussed the color for the highlights in detail. Follea can do color but I heard their colorist is out of town. I think the clips will be ok. I’m not sure if this piece will be a long term option but I thought I would give it a go. I will probably play around with where I put the clips as I have scarring alopecia and inflammation on the scalp. I’ll take pics when I get it next week and when I get it cut in. It will be a darker color than I have been in the past, but I haven’t really been blond in awhile. Crossing my fingers


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