Transitioning Into a Full Wig

by Y on December 7, 2012

Guest Blog By: BW

Hello, Ladies! As some of you now, I recently transitioned from a 3/4 cap topper to a full wig. I’ve had lots of questions about that and why I decided to stop bonding and so I figured I better post something! I have LOTS of reasons for trying something new with my hair and so far, I am VERY happy with my decision.

One of the most important reasons for trying out a full wig which I can remove whenever I want to is that my hair seems to be growing back again. Obviously, I want to give it a chance. Right now, it’s growing like weeds. I am however, extremely prone to major seasonal shedding in the spring so we will see how that goes. I just moved to a much more temperate climate though, where it is much warmer all year. And my hair, like the rest of me, has always loved warm weather. So, I am hoping that without a major weather change with the seasons that maybe, HOPEFULLY, I can escape the seasonal shed/. This wasnt my reason for moving, but it sure could have been! ๐Ÿ™‚

Also, since starting with bonding in June, I found myself missing out on two of my favorite hobbies – water sports and motorcycle riding. I actually never tried swimming with the bonded topper (and I have a huge mental block against it) and I really did not like bike riding with it as the helmet affected the bond at my hairline. I really felt like i was giving up alot last summer with not being able to do all of the things that I love and especially now that I live somewhere where these activities are available to me year round, then bonding wasn’t enough for me. if I’m going to go to the expense and hassle of wearing hair, I wanted my whole life back. not my life minus 2 things that I LOVE, which are two things that I like to do with my family. All of us suffered last summer with me not swimming or riding.

Bonding was a little challenging with my travel schedule and I was scheduling too much around my hair. Also, though it doesnt seem to be an issue with anyone else here, at least not that I’ve seen, I had a major problem with getting my hair on straight! One would swear that I bench major weight with my left arm and that my right arm is a shriveled useless mess! not so, but my hair lots of weeks said otherwise. For the most part, no one could have possibly noticed this but me, but of course, it bothered me when my hair was (quite) crooked for a week or more. practice makes perfect and I was doing great with my learning curve, but I decided to try something that’s easier for me and for my lifestyle.

Blending with my own natural texture was also a little difficult for me and I just didnt have much hope of blending well with my natural texture. My hair is quite wavy and from what I have seen in European hair, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot out there. I have really, really been misssing my waves these last few months. Alot.

For me, the list actually goes on and on…… but these are the major reasons. And so I decided that I would give my bio hair a shot again and try a full wig! I stopped shaving the top of my head 2 weeks before I got my full wig and it seems to be filling in pretty well. At this point, my whole head is cut down to about a half inch maybe. I wear it around the house like this (which feels great!) and I rode the motorcycle yesterday without hair, for the first time in a long time. It felt fantastic, though my helmet was way too big with no hair. Tomorrow I am off to Italy and I am actually going to fly without my hair. mainly because I always feel filthy after flying and I just dont want it getting all yucky. I’m a little nervous about it but I keep reminding myself that I have done this before, plus once I get to Italy, not one person will look twice at me with a buzz cut. I dont know why it feels like a way bigger deal this time around to show my buzz…… Maybe because I FREAKING LOVE MY NEW HAIR!

I’ll have to write a Gush Blog at some point when I have the time. My new Follea hair is simply amazing. It is beautiful and when left to its natural texture, it is so close to looking like my own hair it’s incredible. My husband is blown away! Yesterday, after leaving her to air dry overnight, my husband said “OMG. it looks like it did on our first date.” this is all I ever wanted – my own hair back. ๐Ÿ™‚ And right now, I get the best of both worlds – super short and long.

So far so good! I love sleeping without my hair (which is not what I thought I wanted in the beginning of my hair-wearing journey), I love showering without my hair (so quick!) and I love only having to wash her once / week. And I love HER. She’s gorgeous. Love my ponytail, love my braid, love her swish and getting back to loving a micro-short cut.

Hair wearing is definitely a journey! Not only is it different for all of us, but for me, the things I wanted from it at first changed a little bit. And maybe it will change again. I have no idea….. It’s fantastic to have so many options though and if I continue wearing a full wig, I’m going to increase my options by getting some more wigs! I love my wig. ๐Ÿ™‚

{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

lina December 7, 2012 at 8:53 am

Holy crap! I love your hair, I love that you love your hair, I love that you shared your insights, it’s a love fest ๐Ÿ™‚
OK, now I really, really, really want a Follea!
Bonnie, you are lovely with any hair you wear, even your shaved head, I have followed your journey and I am so full of smiles right now.
Have a Bellisima (did I spell that right) time in Italy, and with doing ALL the things you love, once again. You are proof that we can still live our lives as we want and wear hair (or not).
Thanks for sharing, keep us updated on your journey (i love it).

Oh, and did I mention, I really want a Follea ๐Ÿ˜‰

Big hugs to you and all my sisters,



lina December 7, 2012 at 9:17 am

ok, too fast, the first time. You say your hair is buzzed, how are you pulling off the pony? It looks awesome.



Bonnie December 7, 2012 at 9:37 am

Awww shucks, Lina, you made me blush with all your super sweetness! I love it so thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

My husband is totally in love with my re-buzzed head. I’m not quite there yet, but maybe after my jouney tomorrow and feeling like at least my HAIR isnt filthy, maybe I’ll love it as much as he does. I actually didn’t wear my hair too much yesterday since we were out riding and that felt good. I am dreading potential airport stares but I am really good at staring back!

What do you mean about pulling off the pony with a buzzed head? it works great. Do you mean in the back at the nape? those are baby hairs I had them cut in.

Thanks for all the smiles!



lina December 7, 2012 at 10:02 am

You are so welcome, I meant every word. You totally pull off the shaved head! I shaved my head around 2.5 months ago. Unlike you though, now that it has grown some – it is very sparce ๐Ÿ™ oh well, at least it’s tidy with a fresh buzz and no picking the hair out of my (well, privates!)
Great call on the baby hairs, my wig is NOT a Follea (wipe saliva off my chin) and when I try to pony her, it’s’ an obivous wig. I ordered a custom piece almost three months ago and I will get her on the 14th. It is not a Follea but it is a virgin human hair. I haven’t even paid for my new bff and I already am going to start a Follea one (it’s gonna take me a good while).
I love how awesome your husband is – there is hope.
You are a real inspiration, and beauty inside and out.
(you cracked me up with the stare – give them the stink eye ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have fun,


Bonnie December 7, 2012 at 11:32 am

so far, I’m thinking my buzz looks sort of even. it’s hard for me to tell and I’ve spent years beating myself up in the mirror so I dont think I’m even qualified to judge my own head. My husband says it looks even and good.

It’s so good all around that I can even do a medium high pony AND a bun! A bun that looks amazing! Havent had that in 5 damn years!

my husband IS awesome, but he did complain to me the other day while I was literally swishing around, that I was being a bit conceited! I’m like, “yeah, I am, and I deserve to be!” When;s the last time I felt this good about myself and what I see in a mirror? 5 years ago before all this HL BS started. I deserve to feel awesome and I do. Still working on eye contact in the mirrrors but I’ve definitely conquered hair – eye contact.

You have no idea how good I am at the stiink eye……


lina December 7, 2012 at 12:01 pm

Ok, you and Y are kick ass!
You damn well deserve to swish, strut, skip, sing and do the “damn I look good” finger snap.
Man, I am SO saving for a Follea! I am so happy your hair is coming in good! Yah! Alas, I’m 25 years of shit, so these puny follicles, will be what will be, Que sera, sera… (this is where I slap that Julie Andrews, just kidding ๐Ÿ˜‰
I don’t do eye mirror contact either – I look through the damn thing.
Thanks for the replies and the boost of positive.
Keep smiling
Lina xo


Barbara December 7, 2012 at 1:41 pm

Bonnie – I feel much like you do that seasons affect the hair cycle and I get my huge sheds in the spring/summer. I live where there is very distinct seasons and I totally can tell the difference in my hair between the seasons. Have you ever read up on using Melatonin? I won’t be moving anytime soon so I may try using melatonin since that is one thing I think the seasons affect big time. Love your pictures and your attitude. Hope your bio hair continues to grow like a weed!


Ciella December 7, 2012 at 8:59 pm

You GO girl!! SO HAPPY for you:)) XX


Ashley December 19, 2012 at 11:28 am

You look great! What Follea wig do you have? Have a great trip!


Karen December 21, 2012 at 8:12 am

Hi Bonnie, I’m writing form Italy/Rome ; visited womenshairlossproject the first time and immediately met your photos and words : really great ! The look is super, natural and beautiful, the hair density and appearance seems extremely natural. I’d need your help : had a look at Follea’s catalogue, but can’t understand what is the model you are wearing.
Would you please tell me which one ?
Thank you and again my best compliments


Bonnie December 21, 2012 at 2:46 pm

@Barbara – thanks for you comments. I have tried Melatonin for jetlag, since I always seem to have it. I didnt find it too effective for that. My husband likes it though. I’ve found conflicting things online as to what melatonin can orr cannot do for hair (as you can with eveything), but in the end I’ve decided not to use it anymore for anything, simply because I’ve made a decision to not mess with my hormones at all. Now that I am birth control free and free of all the stuff I’ve tried in the past that alters hormones (like Saw Palmetto, which I really felt like was a bitch to get out of my system, I’ve just kind of decided to go without anything hormonal….. though I have thought long and hard, and googled, melatonin.

@Ciella – thank you! I am very happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

HI, Ashley and Karen – the wig I have is the Aero lace front in 12/17 length, 6020 color. I love it. I just got back from my first extended trip as a wig wearer and it was fantastic. very easy!


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