Telling My Eyebrow Waxing Gal, “It’s a Wig!”

by Y on December 9, 2012

I often wonder when I get my eyebrows waxed, if the person doing them knows I’m wearing a wig. I can feel that they sometimes glide over the side of head with their hands, and they are also in very close proximity to my hairline and partline etc. Well, I decided to wonder no more and just come out with it, “It’s a Wig!”

Happy Sunday!

{ 16 comments… read them below or add one }

Joy December 9, 2012 at 4:49 pm

You are so brave! That is amazing someone that close to your hairline didn’t know!! Thank you for sharing, watching your progress is exhilarating!


Gls December 9, 2012 at 4:55 pm

Yes, thanks for sharing this experience. We would be lost without you! I feel like you experienced a sense of relief by telling her. I think you will be more relaxed about getting your eyebrows now done since you won’t worry about her feeling your wig. This really is a process and I learn so much and gain courage from all of you. Thanks!


Susan December 9, 2012 at 4:59 pm

Thanks for the uplift. I have diffuse Alopecia areata, and other than 3 or 4 people have told no one I am wearing a wig. People say “oh you have a new hair cut …um how did you used to wear it.? It’s funny that we expect people to notice our new hair, but they don’t realize it’s a wig.

Btw you r very charming!


Lillian December 9, 2012 at 5:03 pm

I agree 100%! and isn’t is nice to hear people’s surprised reactions when you tell them it’s not your own!? I’m like, “Fooled ya!” 🙂


Rachael Jean December 9, 2012 at 5:43 pm

Hi Y and Ladies
Thanks for all of the great encouragement to wear hair! I remember years ago (time flies) that the chat was usually about medications and doctors to help out with hairloss. Now, there is a calm acceptance that wearing hair is a happy solution.
I still think good. nutrition is of utmost importance for good health in general though good eating has not brought my hair back in. I took your lead and bought a human hair topper and had it spiral permed to match my real hair. My hairdresser took the hair hook and pulled my own hair through the netting of the topper and voila! My husband and I went to a dinner party that evening and I came in saying “I have a new hair do”! They patted the top and said I now matched my chocolate brown standard poodle.
My friend kept telling me she liked my new Do. She was once a hairdresser and I had to tell her. She told me to pull some more of my real hair out from the sides and that really did the trick. No one else noticed!

I am with you Y. I don’t want to wear it 24/7 but it is there when I go to town. I still wear hats especially in the winter. It is because of you and this supportive and safe harbour /blog that I reached out and got the peice and it feels so good regardless if it is mine or not 🙂

You look great in your hair! So beautiful! Thanks for hanging in here with the rest of us. Amazing how one person can make such a Hugh difference in so many lives! You have so touched so many, positively!

Happiest of holidays to everyone!


Lina December 9, 2012 at 10:27 pm

Vente latte, I’m wearing a wig?! I just spit out half the chocolate turtle I was eating – soooo funny!
I told the girl who does laser hair removal on my legs (yeah, i get the irony) I was wearing a wig. I walked in and first thing she said was, “what did you do to your hair’ it looks so smooth, is it a conditioner?” . I was in a cheeky mood and said hell no, it’s a wig! She was like, “no way”.
I too am not going to walk around with a t-shirt with an arrow pointing up and the word wig, however, when I tell the few people that I have that it’s a wig, I say it like it’s no big deal and they follow my lead – no big deal 🙂
You are such an inspiration, and I swear I wear hair because you made it no big deal. Thank you for everything.
Big hugs to you all.


mel lo December 10, 2012 at 12:33 am

“Is it my hair?” Of course it is, I paid for it! It’s nice too hear so many positive ladies on here. I know how hairloss is so negative to all of us sufferers. It’s a shame everyone doesn’t celebrate hair loss, ahhhh what a wonderful world it would be!


B December 10, 2012 at 7:55 am

You know this might sound weird but I often wonder if gay people feel the exact same way as we do. You know like when Ellen finally “came out” she was way more relaxed and things just took off for her. I think the same with your story it’s just accepting yourself and finding out that others accept that too. I think it is good to tell people in certain situations. I have not felt comfortable talking about it enough yet but have told most special people in my life. I haven’t had the opportunity come up with a “stranger” but I can see how it would be a release to just tell them. Good for you.


Angie T December 10, 2012 at 8:41 am

Thank you, Y, so much for posting this!! My biggest mental block with wearing a wig has always been that “omg, what if people KNOW??!!”

Well, WTF if they do?

People know women have fake eyebrows, wear makeup, false eyelashes, and get breast implants. Why should it be such a big, shameful secret to wear hear? Why is “that” where we draw some magic line in the sand and it’s ok for everything else, but “that” is what we’re ashamed of, what we potentially let ruin our lives?

So yeah, it’s ok to let the world know, or not, depending on the circumstances. I’m so glad you posted this, it really has my brain wheels churning! 😉

Oh, and I would Love to see a video from you explaining why you are no longer ever considering bonding. I thought the post from Bonnie did a great job doing so from her POV, but I would love to hear yours!!


B December 10, 2012 at 10:22 am

Susan – How did they diagnose diffuse Alopecia Areata vs AGA? This makes me so curious. Do you know the difference between the two? Thanks.


Gls December 10, 2012 at 5:41 pm

Angie T, I was thinking about what you said and I think it’s because (maybe) there were so many bad toupees and wigs years ago and people made fun of them falling off in movies and TV. I’m in my 50s and I remember seeing those situations presented that way. Yeah- why should it be any different than someone wearing (faux) eyelashes or boobies, hair extensions, whatever.


Gls December 10, 2012 at 5:43 pm

Forgot to say- love you guys!


Annette December 11, 2012 at 6:41 am

So happy for you, Y! I think what it boils down to, as you said…. “Acceptance…” FINALLY…. and being able to not wear your wig when need be is also a HUGE step…. But, I think KNOWING you have a “back up” (wig) is also so freeing to the mental aspect of it all…. I hope to be there someday…. 🙂


Cindie December 11, 2012 at 7:03 am

I don’t like it when people think I wear a wig because I’m “lazy”, but I no longer let it stress me out, either. It is what it is.


admin December 11, 2012 at 3:59 pm

Want to say big thank you to everyone for all your amazing and supportive comments!

@Joy Thank you!

@Gls – I did totally experience a sense of relief by being open with her because now I can not only feel more comfortable, but also it opens up dialogue and conversation for the future, and if she feels something.. well she’ll know what it is now! LOL

@Susan – Aww thank you! So true, I find people are surprisingly not very observant at all, and well that’s a very good thing when it comes to wig wearing!

@Lillian – Heck yes, it’s always great to get that shocked face look, in a good way. My favorite was “Which part is the wig” yea.. exactly! which part IS the wig. 🙂 errrr.. All of it.

@Rachel Jean – Congrats on getting a topper!!! I’m so happy for you. It’s good knowing she’s there when you need her, security and peace of mind. Time does fly, and yet at other times it can seem like it’s at a stand still too. LOL. My path of medications is over, I hope to get off my birth control pills next year and be done with it all. I *might* have to shave my head for that one, if the shedding gets too bad after getting off it. We shall see how that goes. Just because I’ve already run the gamut of meds and exhausted every option, doesn’t mean others shouldn’t try, I just hope that everyone knows that even in the worst case scenario.. you can still have beautiful hair to wear and feel fabulous in.

@Lina – Where’s my chocolate turtle? heee heee. The more we accept and become comfortable in our own skin and in wearing hair, the more others will too. No doubt. If I tell it with just a matter of fact tone, others seem to react very well. No weirdness at all. I suppose if I fell to the floor and started giving them glimpses into my past crying tantrums over the years, that just might make this a little.. shall we say.. awkward 😉 Congrats on being open with your laser hair removal gal, wasn’t it freeing? Hugs back at you, from your venti latte wig sister.

@mel lo – Yes, that’s right. I paid for my shoes and I paid for my hair! It’s mine!

@B – It doesn’t sound weird at all. Being honest about who you are in any aspect is liberating. I am so tired of hiding, I hid my hair loss or discussing it in my life because I was embarrassed or didn’t want to draw attention to my hair, and wearing hair is so positive for me, and I don’t want to feel I have to hide that too. I’m early on in this real world “Sharing” process, but I’ve had only positive experiences in letting people in on my wig wearing. People may not fully understand it, but that’s okay, the reactions are still good, so it’s still positive.

@Angiet T – Perfectly said, “WTF if they do?” who cares if people know we are wearing hair… seriously. It’s a hurdle in our minds but one that we can leap over. Realizing as you said, tons of ladies wear makeup, false eyelashes etc., basically do tons of things to make themselves feel better (as they should) .. well I just have one more on my list.. WIG. I’ll definitely make a video about why I’m not going to bond, that definitely isn’t to discourage anyone at all though, we each have to find what works for us in our own lives and plenty of women find that bonding is their solution.

@Annette – ACCEPTANCE<<------- and there it is, yes. I think I scared the gardener today, he hadn't seen me without "MY" hair before and I went out to ask a question in my real hair, which is a little scary looking right now. HA. @Cindie - I haven't encountered that yet, people thinking my wig wearing is because I'm lazy, but if they do, they do. You said it right, it is what it is. Much Love and Hugs to All! XOXO


laura February 6, 2014 at 5:38 am

I’m excited to be getting my first hairpice on top I’m 66 my hair is so thin I’m going for the bonding technique it was expensive 2600 but it always been about everyone else all my life I’m doing something for me! I agree women getbreast transplanted & everything else but there’s always the stigma of wearing fake hair for some reason. I hope the bonding works out for me


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