Struggles In Hair Loss

by Y on January 12, 2024

Last year after 24 years of hair loss I had to make the painful and difficult decision to shave my head, after getting a 2nd type of hair loss, after having lived with female pattern baldness since 1999. 

With hair loss you struggle to see yourself again, find yourself in the reflection, but I reached a point I could no longer look at myself. 

While I found freedom in shaving my head, I also found judgment, I had women telling me I have a lot of hair, (based off my shaved head) and that theirs was worse, I had my head shape mocked, I was told it was the shape of a trident, and they put the emoji of a trident ? and I had to image search it to see what it was, and no joke, ever since that day, I do SEE that when I look in the mirror. That was gifted to me, by a comment on YouTube. 

Think before you speak. Stop judging other women’s hair loss. The pain I endured, is something some women know because I’ve been writing about it since 2007. Being 21 years old in 1999 and losing myself, alone… scared, was hard. It is the entire reason I began writing about this in the first place, so others wouldn’t feel as alone as I did. 

I started with enough hair for 3 people, but that never made my pain ANY LESS, when 3/4 was gone, and comments were made that I still had more than some people were born with. 

I was gone, I no longer saw myself, I no longer recognized myself. Be kind to others, in life, in general, be careful what you say.. words do hurt, words make a person’s already difficult situation more difficult. 

I’m still adjusting to my shaved head. There are no regrets, my path was harder because I shared this part online openly, but for anyone that needed it, I do hope seeing this part of my journey made a difference. It was the hardest thing I had to do in my hair loss life, without a doubt. 

Much love to you,

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Carolyn February 4, 2024 at 8:56 am

Thank you for being brave enough to share your story.
I haven’t had hair for 30 years and I have to be grateful it’s not life threatening yet I still struggle with feeling I’m not a woman sometimes.
You are stronger than you think xx


Shelley February 10, 2024 at 10:35 pm

You’ve helped me alot with your openness about hair loss. The Youtubecommunity has helped me to not feel alone. Seeing all these wig reviewers whip off those wigs & look so beautiful inside & out with their shaved heads has helped me to accept & grow. Such courage! I would have felt so isolated without that.
God bless you in your journey. I’m only a few yrs into this & you are an inspiration & love your messages. You are such a pretty girl…wish you knew that fully! Ty for all your help to others, like me!


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