
Power of Now - Improving Our Outlook Will Most Certainly have an impact on our hair lossOne of our members in the network wrote a blog post about being proactive and wrote that she was recommended the book “The Power of Now” by Ekhart Tolle. Another member emailed me and told me the book made a huge difference in her life as well. That is enough convincing for me, I will definitely be ordering myself a copy from I just looked it up and this is what is says about the book:

Ekhart Tolle’s message is simple: living in the now is the truest path to happiness and enlightenment. And while this message may not seem stunningly original or fresh, Tolle’s clear writing, supportive voice, and enthusiasm make this an excellent manual for anyone who’s ever wondered what exactly “living in the now” means. Foremost, Tolle is a world-class teacher, able to explain complicated concepts in concrete language. More importantly, within a chapter of reading this book, readers are already holding the world in a different container–more conscious of how thoughts and emotions get in the way of their ability to live in genuine peace and happiness.

I noticed this author has a written a bunch of other books that look quite interesting as well, so I guess I’ll be doing a little shopping today 🙂  Thanks for the tip Tracy and Chari!

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Women's Hair Loss Project Network LAUNCHED!The Women’s Hair Loss Project Network ( is the newest addition to The Women’s Hair Loss Project. It is place where women losing their hair can connect with each even further.

What can you do in the Network?

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Photo albums can also be set to private as well.
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I think the Network will be a good adjunct to The Women’s Hair Loss Project. When I post women’s hair loss stories I will be able to not only post and respond to them but also link to their profile on the network (assuming they’ve created one). It will allow us all to share a little more about ourselves and get to know each other better. If you already have your hair loss story posted on the blog and would like it linked to your profile let me know!Create Your Profile Now!Create Your Profile Now and Start ConnectingView Profiles Already Online at Please let me know if you need any assistance creating your profile or signing up, I will be happy to help you