Women, Hair, Wine & Care !

by Y on September 21, 2017

Sunday, October 8th, 4-6pm @ Salon Republic, Beverly Hills

I am honored to be co-hosting a women’s hair loss event with my girl, Sophie Hafner. It’s been a long time coming, much needed, and I’m super excited. The event will be held at her studio in Beverly Hills.

It’s a well known fact to me, by personal experience that healing comes from connecting with others who understand. My medium for this has been through online communications of my site, emails, and social media… but there IS more, the power of in-person connection.

This event brings together this new dynamic and I think it will be absolutely beautiful and wonderful to meet everyone who attends.
You never can tell what the attendance of any event will be, and especially one dealing with hair loss, but it doesn’t matter if only one person comes or 50, the connection will be there. Even admsit the struggles that hair loss brings, I am absolutely positive there will be much laughter and smiles, there may be tears, but tears are healing too.

I very much look forward to meeting all who attend!

As always, much love to all !

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Beth2011 September 21, 2017 at 6:25 pm

This is soooo amazing of you to do. I hope you have a wonderful turnout and that it really makes a difference in someone’s life. To quote your so accurate and poignant “Hair Loss Matters” I am still sitting in this place….the pits of depression, despair and helplessness and watching myself evaporate before my very eyes and it is ripping me apart, tearing me to pieces and leaving me simply a former shell of myself. I have given 6 years of my life to this beast and sadly see no end it sight. I to am sure there will be tears, I’m crying as I write this now. TBH, I am amazed at the endless supply of tears I am able to produce. I so wish I either lived closer or had the courage to get on a freaking plane and take back some of my life.

Much love and appreciation to you and all our dear sisters on this site and everywhere who has suffered from problem that really does matter.


PamY September 21, 2017 at 8:23 pm

Sounds amazing! If I didn’t live in NY, I would be there in a minute. I’m sure you’ll get a great turnout and I look forward to reading about it (and maybe seeing?). Good luck with the event!


Naomi September 21, 2017 at 10:13 pm

This is so amazing; I wish I could attend. I’d love to hear what options are available for gals like us that are affordable.


Pat September 22, 2017 at 1:54 am

How wonderful for you gals on the west coast.
Is there anything on the east coast that we could attend? I would love some information on how to start something for us on the east coast.
This would really help all of us all over the country.
We hope you have a wonderful turnout.


Anne-Marie September 22, 2017 at 7:45 am

Already rsvp’! Looking forward to it!!


Julee September 22, 2017 at 1:01 pm

Wow! What a great idea. I wish I lived close to Beverly Hills, I would love to attend. It would be wonderful to talk to other people who suffer from what I personally go through on a daily basis. I have found that no one understands my feelings unless they are going through the same thing. I do have a question. Every time I see either one of you in a picture your hair is amazing. Is that your hair or a wig? I’m very jealous of the look of your beautiful hair. I think about a wig but they tell me I’m not ready for a wig just a topper. I haven’t considered the topper because the clips would bother my sensitive scalp and pull some hairs out. At this time it’s not an option. Thanks again for developing this website!


Jay September 23, 2017 at 7:51 am

Sounds like a great event! Do you still give out invite codes to join? I haven’t received one and would love to become a part of this community.


Kari October 2, 2017 at 8:06 pm

Please do this again on another day. I am not able to join you that day, but would love to join another time. Also I see there are two salon republics in beverly hills. What is the address of the event? I would love to come by another time to meet you!


Beth2011 October 8, 2017 at 4:27 pm

I hope u had an amazing event.


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