
This episode is raw and personal.  In this podcast I share with you in more detail the cause of my hair loss, and provide a deeper look into my hair loss story/ journey. Last week I had posted a video on my YouTube Channel that was meant to really just share the cause of my of my hair loss, and open the dialogue for others to comment on the cause of theirs or if they didn’t know what the cause was, to share that too.

The link to the YouTube Video I spoke of in the podcast: What Caused My Hair Loss?

While I cannot advise what others should or should not do, I think there is benefit in sharing my story so that others can get a deeper look into a 21 year journey of hair loss, beginning at the age of 21,  and caused by the birth control pill Loestrin FE.  The podcast takes a few tangents, but my journey is like one giant tangent, so perhaps it works. I share some of my hair loss treatment regrets, and the things I tried over the years.  It took me a very long time to accept anything and get to the place I am at. It didn’t happen over night, and I think it’s important for others to know that, so they are more patient and kind and loving towards themselves when dealing in what can often seem like the impossible…. Hair loss. 

I post all over the place from YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and my Podcast, so I’m providing the links to all those, to make it accessible and easy for you to choose how you’d like to follow the things I post and share.

I hope everyone is staying safe.
Much Love to All !

Follow me on Instagram: @whlpnetwork

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